NFTs: How To Start Making Huge Amount Of Money Creating And Selling NFTs

NFT: What is perhaps the interest in this new term in blockchain technology? How do people make millions of dollars selling images online, even screenshots? The latest image of Apple founder Steven Jobs' first cover letter (written in 1973) has sold for $174,000.

Nephrible tokens or NFTs are cryptographic assets with unique identifiers and metadata on the blockchain that are mutually exclusive. Unlike cryptocurrencies, they cannot be traded or exchanged at a fixed price. This is in contrast to tokens such as cryptocurrencies, which are mutually exclusive and can therefore be used as a medium for commercial transactions.

Different constructs of each NFT have potential for different use cases. For example, they are suitable tools for the digital representation of tangible assets such as real estate and works of art. Because NFTs are blockchain-based, they can be used to eliminate middlemen and connect artists with audiences, or for identity management. NFTs can eliminate middlemen, simplify transactions and create new markets.

Like physical money, cryptocurrencies are fickle, meaning they can be traded or exchanged with each other. For example, one bitcoin is always worth the same as another bitcoin. Likewise, one part of the ether is always the same as the other. For example, a $100 bill can be exchanged for two $50 bills. This interchangeability makes cryptocurrencies and physical currencies suitable for use as a secure means of transaction in the digital economy.

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NFT solves many problems on the Internet today. As everything goes digital, attributes of physical goods such as rarity, uniqueness and patentability must be duplicated. Not to mention that digital goods often only work in the context of production. For example, you can't resell purchased iTunes MP3s or exchange a company's loyalty points for credits from another platform, even if there's a market for it.

NFTs are digitally unique, no two NFTs are the same.

NFTs are part of the blockchain, ie. individual signs in which additional information is stored. This is a great component that allows you to save additional information in the form of JPG, MP3, video, GIF and more in the form of art, music, video (etc.). Because they have value, they can be bought and sold like any other art form, and like physical art, their value is largely determined by the market and demand.

Why are they worth it?

As with all assets, supply and demand are the main market drivers of prices. Due to the rarity of NFTs and the high demand from players, collectors and investors, people are often willing to pay large sums of money for them.

Some NFTs also have the potential to make big money for their owners. For example one of the players of Decentraland ; The virtual land platform decided to buy 64 lots and merge them into one lot. It will sell for $80,000.

This does not mean that only the digital version of NFT art is available in the market. Just as original art prints are created, used, bought and sold, NFT copies are still a legal entity on the blockchain, but they do not have the same value as the originals.

And don't think you've hacked the system by right-clicking and saving an NFT image. Your download file won't make you a millionaire because it doesn't store the information that makes it part of the blockchain. Is this reasonable?

NFTs can be bought on different platforms and which one you choose will depend on what you want to buy (eg if you want to buy baseball cards you should go to a site like Digital Trading Cards, but other markets sell more common parts). You need a separate wallet for the platform you are buying from and you need to fund that wallet with cryptocurrency. As shown by Beeple's First Sale of Everydays - 5000 Days at Christies (above), some items find their way into traditional auction houses too, so it's worth keeping an eye out. In case you missed it, Beeple's masterpiece above earned $69.3 million.

NFTs are making waves in various video games as in-game purchases. These assets can be bought and sold by players and include playable assets such as special swords, skins or avatars.

Blockchain technology is becoming more and more popular. Video games are created and stored on the blockchain. Their work in creating NFT graphics for games can be sold to gaming companies and aspiring gamers for thousands of dollars.

NFT Graphics is for sale.

Due to the high demand for many types of NFTs, they are often issued as "spots" (eg events when multiple tickets are issued at different times). That means an influx of eager buyers when the fishing starts, so you'll need to sign up early and fill your wallet.

NFTs are definitely exploding, with creators of NFT art spanning the cultural spectrum including artists, gamers and brands. In fact, it seems like new players are entering the NFT market every day.

Logan Paul sells NFT up to $20,000 in video clips that you can watch anytime on YouTube. Logan Paul Pokemon Card NFT for sale.

For artists, joining NFT provides another space and format to create and share art, and offers fans another way to support their work. From small, quick-to-make GIFs (Rainbow Cat, above, by NyanCat, sold for $690,000) to more sophisticated works, artists can offer the public different ways to buy art and make money in this process.

Twitter founder Jack Dorsey sold his first tweet for $2,915,835.47.

Musicians sell their rights and original works, short videos for their music clips and can buy digital real estate and 3D assets like furniture.

Here is a list of websites that sell NFT : OpenSea , BakerySwap , VIV3 , Rarible , Nifty Gateway .

Technically yes, anyone can sell NFT. Anyone can create transactions, convert them to NFTs on the blockchain (a process called "minting") and sell them on the options market. In fact, you can add a commission to the file that will pay you every time someone buys the work, including resale, a lifetime opportunity. Just like buying NFT, you need to set up a wallet.

Love them or hate them, NFTs are here to stay. NFTs bring new meaning to digital art, and the sale prices suggest that they are part of the future of art and collecting in general.

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Want to start creating right away? You need to learn how to create and sell NFTs that can earn you thousands of dollars. All you need to get on this banking machine is some technical knowledge. Anyone can create and sell NFT. Remember you can find anything in NFT and start earning it right away.

We've put together a well-written, comprehensive ebook/manual that shows you how to create different types of NFTs by following a simple step-by-step process.

In the book you will learn:

  • How to create NFTs on various blockchains including: Ethereum Blockchain, Binance Smart Chain, VIV3, etc.
  • You will learn how to create many NFTs without code.
  • You will also learn how to write/generate smart chain code if you want to set up a trading website or an NFT mobile app.
  • If you don't want to use existing NFT markets, learn how to sell your own NFT trades on your own website.
  • How to buy NFT safely.
  • and others.

Many people, Nigerian and African artists and crypto/digital enthusiasts are making big money from NFTs every day.

It is my personal guarantee that after reading the e-book you will be able to learn everything about NFTs, create them, sell them and monetize them.

The guide costs N7,000 ($15 USD).

After reading the guide, you can always contact me for more help with creating, selling or buying NFTs.

To order the e-book/guide online, click on one of the links below: You will be redirected to Paystack/Floator Wave where you can make the payment and download the guide/e-book immediately.

Click here to pay online via Paystack

Click here to pay online via Flutterwave

For bank transfers or other questions please contact:

+2348035217265 (Phone/WhatsApp).

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